Slack bot لكل تنزيل للتطبيق

Slack brings team communication and collaboration into one place so you can get more work done, whether you belong to a large enterprise or a small business. Check off your to-do list and move your projects forward by bringing the right people, conversations, tools, and information you need together. Slack …

We are no longer supporting this browser, so you’ll need to switch to one of our supported browsers to keep using Slack. We know this can be a pain, and we’re sorry for asking you to do it. We know this can … A bot is a type of Slack App designed to interact with users via conversation. A bot is the same as a regular app: it can access the same range of APIs and do all of the magical things that a Slack App can do. But when you build a bot for your Slack App, you're giving that app a face, a name, and a personality, and encouraging users to talk to it.